Linz Education Academy Courses

Early Childhood Teachers Training

How well do you understand the natural characteristics that drive the need and behavior of the little ones in your care?
How is the knowledge of these characteristics reflected in your educational approach?
What participants will learn:
The Psychosocial theory of Erikson and the attachment theory of Bowlsby as a prelude to understanding the developmental characteristics and the critical foundational needs of social and emotional needs in early childhood.
The characteristics of the infancy, toddler, and preschool stages of development.
The foundational questions (Can I trust you and the world?, Am I capable of doing things on my own?, Am I good or bad?), that frames how children develop.
The critical behavioral characteristics that impact child and group structure.
Practical implications of the core characteristics for educators practice with meeting the children's needs and answering the inherent questions associated with the different stages of development.
Purchase Options
Option 1: PowerPoint (PPT) pdf workshop for detailed self-training, inclusive of practice questions.
Cost: $20
Option 2: Trainer-participants live session (Currently virtual)
Duration: 2 hours
Additional Resources: Printable pdf PPT handout
Discount available for group booking for more than 2 participants.
PD01: Understanding the Formative Years (0 -5 years) of Child Development
What should children learn, and how should they be learning?
How should the program of activities that support learning and development be structured for child-centeredness?
What participants will learn:
The key developmental domains of the Preschool age and the expected developmental milestones.
Age-appropriate activities that support specific developmental objectives.
Integrated theme approach to learning and why integrated learning is essential in early childhood.
How to plan an integrated objective-based program of activities using broad long-term, short-term, and hybrid integrated theme planning approaches.
How to identify the core features of a theme and reflect each in the week’s planning.
How to break down an activity daily in an integrated way that connects all learning and developmental objectives using the play approach without children realizing they are learning.
Purchase Options
Option 1: PowerPoint (PPT) pdf workshop for detailed self-training, inclusive of practice questions.
Cost: $20
Option 2: Trainer-participants live session (Currently virtual)
Duration: 2 hours
Additional Resources: Printable pdf handout
Discount available for group booking for more than 2 participants.
PD02: Preschool Curriculum: Implementing Integrated Program of Activities
Do you know what innovative entrepreneurs, Nobel Laureates, artists, performers have in common?
How much independent play provision is in your daily schedule, and how flexible are you with extending play based on the need and interests of the children?
How do you balance play and learning to ensure that teachable moments are taken advantage of without overshadowing play?
What participants will learn:
The role and power of play as an effective tool and approach for child learning and development.
Types of play and the role of the child in play.
The play learning model and the pros and cons of each.
Different play techniques and how they help to promote imagination, inquiry, thinking, and creativity
When to turn the child-initiated play into guided engagement without children realizing that they are learning.
When to engage a child in play for a predetermined defined objective.
The role of the teacher with observing play, identifying obstacles to play, and what educators need to do to improve play.
Scaffolding play and the different ways of using it to challenge a child to move play-learning to the next level.
Purchase Options
Option 1: PowerPoint (PPT) pdf workshop for detailed self-training, inclusive of practice questions.
Cost: $20
Option 2: Trainer-participants live session (Currently virtual)
Duration: 2 hours
Additional Resources: Printable pdf handout
Discount available for group booking for more than 2 participants.
PD03: Play: The Powerful Instrument of Child Learning & Development
What does a feeling of home mean for all humans?
Why is a sense of home important for early years children?
How can a sense of home be achieved physically and emotionally?
What participants will learn:
The practical meaning of the home concept.
The core elements of a home that gives a sense of belonging.
The basic needs of children at each early childhood developmental stage that reinforces the sense of home.
Practical application of the home elements in the day-to-day activities in early childhood settings.
Attributes of reflective teachers necessary to provide a sense of home to the children.
The reflective teachers' role in establishing a safe and stimulating home environment and ensuring a sense of belonging for the children.
The implications for children when a feeling of home is lacking.
Purchase Options
Option 1: PowerPoint (PPT) pdf workshop for detailed self-training, inclusive of practice questions.
Cost: $15
Option 2: Trainer-participants live session (Currently virtual)
Duration: 1.5 hours
Additional Resources: Printable pdf handout
Discount available for group booking for more than 2 participants.
PD04: Feeling at Home: Emotional & Physical Balance for Children
What do all humans need above other competencies to be positively centered and to thrive?
The ‘Child Pass Philosophy’ is based on the premise that children are inherently good, pure, and an open slate for adults to make positive imprints, reinforcing the natural winner in them as they build social-emotional skills.
A positive reinforcement-based guidance system that sees the child as an inherent ‘winner.’ The inherent winning capabilities need to be intentionally nurtured and guided as a sign of love and care for the child primed to be a winner behaviorally in life and career.
What participants will learn:
The central role of social-emotional development in early childhood and life.
Erik Erikson’s psychosocial and Bowlsby’s attachment theories of development as a prelude to understanding the developmental and the critical foundational needs of social-emotional competencies in children's early years.
The core developmental characteristics and the practical implications for educators’ practice.
Types of disciplines. Advantages and disadvantages of each and what’s best for children.
What the 'Child Pass' behavioral philosophy means.
The step-by-step approach to how the philosophy works as an individual, group, and classroom management-behavioral guidance system.
The role of visuals in communication and guiding children to make positive behavioral decisions.
The role of effort-based praise and acknowledgement.
The guiding principles of connect, engage and redirect to teach expected positive behavior.
Purchase Options
Option 1: PowerPoint (PPT) pdf workshop for detailed self-training, inclusive of practice questions.
Cost: $20
Option 2: Trainer-participants live session (Currently virtual)
Duration: 2 hours
Additional Resources: Printable pdf handout
Discount available for group booking for more than 2 participants.
PD05: "The Child Pass Philosophy" - Behavioral Guidance for Building Social-emotional Competence
Do children intentionally set out to act in challenging ways?
Why do children act in challenging ways?
What participants will learn:
What stress means for children.
Different ways stress manifests in children.
The link between behavior and developmental characteristics.
How to identify the lagging skills of children for which they are unable to act as expected.
The three effective guidance principles of "why," "what," and "how" when dealing with challenging behavior.
How to manage challenging behaviors using the ‘3 Rung Ladder” – a 3 tier perspective of the root-triggers, management, and proactive support.
How to record, analyze and look for patterns to understand behavioral triggers.
Practical techniques to guide children to learn to self-regulate and solve problems.
Purchase Options
Option 1: PowerPoint (PPT) pdf workshop for detailed self-training, inclusive of practice questions.
Cost: $15
Option 2: Trainer-participants live session (Currently virtual)
Duration: 1. 5 hours
Additional Resources: Printable pdf handout
Discount available for group booking for more than 2 participants.
PD06: Dealing With Challenging Children
How do you ensure the physical safety and well-being of children?
What conscious techniques are you using daily to ensure active supervisor and engagement?
What participants will learn:
The difference between supervision and active supervision.
Techniques that support active supervision.
Elements that challenge active supervision.
Scenarios when unsafe situations are higher
The critical factors for outdoor supervision.
The role of communication in improving safety for children.
A case study exercise to identify active supervision techniques in practice.
Purchase Options
Option 1: PowerPoint (PPT) pdf workshop for detailed self-training, inclusive of practice questions.
Cost: $15
Option 2: Trainer-participants live session (Currently virtual)
Duration: 1.5 hours
Additional Resources: Printable pdf handout
Discount available for group booking for more than 2 participants.
PD07: Active Supervision in Practice
How do you ensure that the actualization of the needs of every child in their developmental journey?
How do you identifying the developmental milestones of children and areas where stimulation is needed?
What intentional steps do you take to support the achievement of a delayed milestone?
What participants will learn:
Means and elements that support the individualization of care.
What observation & documentation of behavior is.
Ways to document observed behavior.
How to review and Interpret documented behavior.
What planning and Implementation of new provocations mean regarding supporting a child to develop expected milestones.
How to assess and evaluate the outcome of the implementation plan for children, and how these outcomes can influence changes in group practice.
The role of primary caregivers as mentors to promote individualization of responsive care
Purchase Options
Option 1: PowerPoint (PPT) pdf workshop for detailed self-training, inclusive of practice questions.
Cost: $15
Option 2: Trainer-participant live session (Currently virtual)
Duration: 1.5 hours
Additional Resources: Printable pdf handout
Discount available for group booking for more than 2 participants.
PD08: Observation & individualization of Child-centered Care
Why should communication be open and effective with families?
Why do parents of early years children seem to be more sensitive than parents with school-aged children?
Why do some families act in ways teachers find particularly challenging?
What participants will learn:
Elements that make communication effective
How communication makes or breaks collaboration with colleagues and families.
How to build a trusting relationship with families from the beginning of the relationship.
How to determine the characteristics of the different families and use this as a framework for good communication flow.
Important elements of communications and how to format child-centered communication for effectiveness.
The different scenarios and life experiences that cause some families to behave in ways teachers find challenging.
The strategies to manage challenging situations and difficult families for continuing mutual partnership as ‘team child.’
Terms and phrases to avoid when updating or discussing with a family about a child.
Purchase Options
Option 1: PowerPoint (PPT) pdf workshop for detailed self-training, inclusive of practice questions.
Cost: $20
Option 2: Trainer-participants live session (Currently virtual)
Duration: 2 hours
Additional Resources: Printable pdf handout
Discount available for group booking for more than 2 participants.
PD09: Effective Communication: Make or Break in Families Relationship
School Teachers Training
Is your school an international school or one made up of multi-cultural children from different countries, whose development is impacted by multiple cultural influences?
Are there educational and classroom implications for children developing with multi-cultural influences that have made them unique individuals?
Are you having difficulties with some parents struggling to understand the root of their children's challenges in school?
What participants will learn:
The growing global citizen trend and the factors driving it
Who third culture kids (TCKs) are and their unique characteristics.
The unique challenges third culture kids face.
The natural coping mechanisms third culture kids (TCK's) adopt to survive in their environment.
How teachers can identify this crop of citizens and their unique challenges.
What teachers can do in classroom settings to practically support the children and to diversify the curriculum for an inclusive implementation.
How society can benefit from the unique characteristics of children growing up amongst worlds.
How to incorporate the cultural nuances of the families for more effective communication and partnership.